Saturday, July 22, 2006

Family Values

What's the most perfect family value?

different families live differently.. each have their very own family values, rules and regulations which they see fit for their own family circle..

from my own experiences in life, well, not much compared to other older people and generations, to me, the most important value in a family is RESPECT.. no matter who, what, when, why or where an individual does, say or think, there must have at least some amount of it to not only their elders, but to their spouse and children too.. even their in-laws.. without it, there will always be a lot of trouble..

i've seen some brothers/sisters who don't respect their own family.. the family will always ALWAYS always have a certain tension in the house.. for some households, the parents don't have enough respect to their own children.. they even control their interests and potential and talent.. they think they know their children 100%.. even i myself don't even dare say that i know my own wife 100% even if i've already known so much about her.. and my brothers, i know them so very well that even i know some of their secrets.. even so, i still don't think i know them 100%..

even cousins.. sometimes we hate or despise them for the way they think, do, or say to/about us.. but we have to try our best to see through their actions and words.. maybe there might be some truth.. maybe there's something we can learn from them.. maybe there's some flaw in us that only others can see..

and there are those gossipers and bastards and bad eggs.. there's always a reason to their actions and words.. there are also those type of people who only talks but when opportunity comes, no actions to back what they say..

there are those who say one thing but do another thing.. but to me, the most disrespectful kinds of people are backstabbers and two-faces and indirect attackers.. the worst bunch.. these are the people who seem to respect us, and without us knowing, they stab us from the back.. for these kind of people, we only can know their actions through others.. because these people have no balls to come directly to us and say what they don't like about us.. if they are not satisfied or can't accept our actions or words, they never say right in our faces, instead, they will say it to another person and another and another to which will usually end to us being the last to know..

but whatever it is, no matter what information they give, it's usually about us but not said directly to us.. basically no balls.. and they call themselves family..

then there's the type who think they know everything.. but there are different types for this category too.. one is, they think they know everything but listen and take heed whenever others who tells them they're wrong.. and those who let their ego control them and they never accepts what others have to say..

i always get these types, one who thinks knows everything, backstabbers and indirect attackers.. and it's so sickening.. and thanks to certain people, especially my mum and wife.. my ugly temper is being kept in check.. or else those people will definitely regret their actions... THIS I GUARANTEE!!!!!!!

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